Wed. - Feb 3, 2021 - AAT (C6)
4-5 The Sine and Cosine Functions
Goal (SWBAT):
Graph and analyze the functions sine: 𝜃 ⟶ sin 𝜃 and cosine: 𝜃 ⟶ cos 𝜃
In-Class Agenda:
1. Warm up
2. Explore shape of sine function
3. The graph of sine and cosine
4. Speed graph
#10 4-5 Book: Read pp247-249, Do p249(1-8, 14) [Due Mon]
(null): FST Book 4-5 Sin and Cos Functions
FST Book 4-5 Sin and Cos Functions
(null): AAT 4-5 Sin Cos Functions
AAT 4-5 Sin Cos Functions
Web Links:
FST 4-5 Video
FST Book