Wed. - Jan 13, 2021 - AAT (C6)
4-2 Sines, Cosines, and Tangents
Goal (SWBAT):
Estimate the sine and cosine of any number by referring to their definitions.
In-Class Agenda:
0. Finish Test
1. Warm Up
2. Intro Unit Circle:
a. Derive cos and sin relative to coordinates
b. practice
c. Derive tan relative to slope
d. practice
3. Activity
4. Example of Use
#4 4-2 Book: Read pp229-232, Do p233(1-14, 19-21, 27) [Due Fri]
(null): AAT 4-2 Sine, Cos, Tan
AAT 4-2 Sine, Cos, Tan
Web Links:
AAT 4-2 Video
FST Book