Fri. - Jan 22, 2021 - AAT (C6)
4-4 Exact Values of Sines, Cosines, and Tangents
Goal (SWBAT):
Apply the definition of sine and cosine to obtain values for the sine, cosine, and tangent of multiples of 𝜋/6 (30º) or 𝜋/4 (45º).
In-Class Agenda:
* Go over 4-3 work
1. Warm Up
2. Deriving the square via 45º
3. Deriving the short rectangle
4. Deriving the tall rectangle
5. The Unit Circle
#8 Book 4-4 Read pp242-245, Do p245 (1-16, 18) [Due Tue]
(null): FST 4-4 Unit Circle Project
FST 4-4 Unit Circle Project
(null): FST 4-4 Exact Sin, Cos, Tan
FST 4-4 Exact Sin, Cos, Tan
(null): FST 4-4 Exact Sin, Cos, Tan
FST 4-4 Exact Sin, Cos, Tan
Web Links:
FST 4-4 Video
FST Book