Fri. - Feb 5, 2021 - Alg 1 (C7)
3-5 Scatter Plots & Lines of Fit
Goal (SWBAT):
Use a scatter plot to describe the relationship between two data sets
In-Class Agenda:
1. Warm Up
2. Understanding association
3. Understanding correlation
4. Finding equations of trend lines
5. Interpreting
#2 Book, Read pp118-122, Do p124 (11, 12, 15-17, 20, 21, 25, 28) (Due Wed)
(null): Alg1 Book 3-5 Practice
Alg1 Book 3-5 Practice
(null): HSM18_A1_T03_L05_PPS
(null): A1 3-5 Scatter Plots Lines of Fit NOTES
A1 3-5 Scatter Plots Lines of Fit NOTES
(null): A1 CL 3_5-6
A1 CL 3_5-6
Web Links:
Alg 1 3-5 Scatter Plots VIDEO